Monday, June 27, 2011


A year ago, things seemed so different.
Before the time that we started.
Could things stay the same in future?
Don't count on it, as everything is ever-changing!
Enjoy the present and embrace the memories!
Follow our hearts and not worry too much.
Good things come for those who wait.
Hopefully, we don't need to wait so long!
I guess we should also be happy with what we have.
Just remember that we have each other :)
Keep that in mind when doing anything.
Let us be reminded that we have someone to fall back on!
Make good the time that we have, that is now.
Not forgetting the future we'll build!
Over the months, I have learnt so much from you.
Please keep on teaching me about myself, yourself and us.
Question my thoughts and actions, if you must.
Rest assured I will tell you everything!
Say what you must and I will answer.
Today, tomorrow, together, there we will be.
Understanding and loving each other so much.
Very much like the couple from Up!
Whenever you need me, I will be there.
Xinyi, Thank you so much for everything.
Yesterday, were memories that I will cherish.

Damn it. Words beginning with Z are like words that are seldom used

Thank you for everything, for being my wall for me to fall back on. For being my source of energy.

I love you so much.

Thank you.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

To do/ buy list for the rest of 2011

Okay, so it took me less than 5 mins to realize that alit of things in my room and my life has been at a standstill for close to 2 years. Thanks to NS. I have alot to do, like really alot.

First up, I already did a major packing of my room a few months back. And yet, it is still not enough. This time round, when I say packing I mean throwing out worthless junk that I have kept for more than 5 years thinking I might use it someday. Oh yeah, I need to make full use of my drawers in my cupboards and empty the ones in my table.

Next up, buying new clothes. I think underwear should be given more priority, since some of the elastic bands on my current ones have totally lost their elasticity. And ah crap, I keep forgetting to send my black jeans for alteration. Eh..since 7 months ago.

Plus, I am badly in need of shirts, especially dress shirts.

And since the death of Mcspazatron, I haven't been able to do any work on the go. All I have now is a fancy paper weight, which has a working LCD screen and RAM. I took out the hard disk and converted it to a mobile hdd the moment it officially died, so yep. Prolly going to save up for a tablet with a physical keyboard dock.

Then, I recently discovered some problems osqccurring very frequently on my desktop. My desktop is already obsolete in computer-years, and it might not be easy to replace certain parts. I estimated the resale value of my current rig, and it would fetch me about...$300 if I am lucky. Not to mention, the only thing I can salvage would be the casing. Thus, it is better to keep it as a spare PC or server and get another one. Argh, more savings are needed.

So yep, that's what I would be focusing on and hopefully I would be able to achieve these goals by August or September!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So that's prolly 2 GSS's I have missed, for 2 years straight. And for that same 2 years,its due to Camp Lions. Not that I mind though. Its just..I have saying that I have been wanting to update my wardrobe but yeah.

Buying clothes for me is rare, unless they fall under the category of militia peripherals. Not stuff that you can get from E-mart or beach road, stuff that Singapore doesn't sell. And no, they aren't illegal.

Ah fudge, hate it when I try to blog from my phone only to see half of my post saved. Too lazy to retype so yep, that's all.

Hopefully, I can get some nice clothes by this Christmas! Although I won't mind getting a ghillie suit heh. In just less than a month, I will be back to civilisation and of course catching up with technology! So until then, my liquid will suffice!


So that's prolly 2 GSS's I have missed, for 2 years straight. And for that same 2 years,its due to Camp Lions. Not that I mind though. Its just..I have saying that I have been wanting to update my wardrobe but yeah.

Buying clothes for me is rare, unless they fall under the category of militia peripherals. Not stuff that you can get from E-mart or beach road, stuff that Singapore doesn't sell. And no, they aren't illegal.

Hopefully, I can get some nice clothes by this Christmas! Although I won't mind getting a ghillie suit heh. In just less than a month, I will be back to civilisation and of course catching up with technology! So until then, my liquid will suffice!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One step at a time, slowly.

Nah its nothing big really, been thinking alot lately and maybe alittle too much. I think it is safe to say most of my worries are really redundant, or even harmful to a certain extent. People around me, as my mirror, reflect my actions and decisions. How am I to see myself without my mirror?

I guess I should really stop worry and focus on what's important. I still have no idea why I have been limiting myself, and I acknowledge the fact that I am still am. Well, it really has to stop.

Half the year has gone past already, there's still more to come. I have one last step to take before I can safely say that I have started anew. Just 1 more month.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just a few words.

You may be far away, is it night or day?

In batam, in a room, deep in slumber?

Rest well, body and mind, let the stress unwind.

Are you relaxed, are you less stressful, I wonder.

Good night :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

If you are wondering why I am blogging at this hour, yeah I am.

From my office that is.

Just a week away from 4 months worth of preparations, and hopefully it would be better than last year! After that, it's going to be a month away from my freedom and a long awaited break. I miss having a life, which includes technology.

I've decided to rest today since I would be running around a lot tomorrow! We are gunning for the top prize!