Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 26

Twice today, it occurred. It may not be much but it brought smiles, brightened my day and put me in a good mood.

I was walking to the station when the rain grew heavier, I had to stop and wait for the lights to change. In front of me stood a lady holding an umbrella.

She turned around and told me to quickly get under the umbrella and not to fall sick. It might have been just a small gesture of kindness, but she was really sincere.

The walk was short but even a little kindness goes a long way :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 25

There are some things that occur even when the odds are obviously against it. No one can explain such occurrences, neither can one predict such incidents.

Probability, you can be so random at times.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 24

Today is just another day, while walking back from lunch I realised how cold of is outside.

I didn't bring my jacket, although it wasn't really that cold. Now as I wait in a small room, the little pitter patter sounds of raindrops gets shut out as the glass door closes.

Windy days just makes me smile.

Day 23

Somethings are just so wonderful, its amazing how magical they can be. They symbolize many things, put a small value together bit by bit and watch it snowball into something big!

Amazing how numbers work eh?

Its almost 1 year already, its 2 incredible to believe. Against 3-mendous odds, you made me 4 in love with you.

5-nally, its almost a year, my 6-ee lovergirl! Okay h8 to admit I got nothing for 7, and you ain't on9 :(

Now, we just need to wait for 10 years :3

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 22

Something I lack, for quite a while.

Something I don't get so very often,

Even during the lazy long weekends;

Something to make your body soften.

Everyone needs it quite badly.

People can't do without it everyday,

People get frustrated and get cranky;

Everytime they lack it in every way.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 21

Simple, pure and bright. For it brings sight.

In Buddhist context, it symbolizes wisdom as darkness symbolizes ignorance.

With light, there is life.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 20

Little prisms flying in the air, floating, floating, floating, gone! So fragile, so delicate, so beautiful. One breath creates a dozen, but not so easily.

The life span averages barely over a minute, pity. Shortlived. Once gone, never to return.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 19

The unknown, filled with so many possibilities! A canvas in the sky that catches the stars above. We have yet to reach the absolute end but when will we ever reach there?

So many questions and yet so little answers. Are we alone? Definitely not!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 18

Life as we know it, and the life that we live is not set in stone. Take granted not the days that pass. Boring it may be, but at least home isn't war torn.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 17

The start, the end and the cycle. We have learnt of its nature, but we fail to put to practice removing oneself from the circle.

Easier said than done, talk is cheap anyways. Don't ask yourself how much more do I have to suffer, but instead ask yourself how much have I done to alleviate my suffering?

Talk is cheap, whining is worthless. Do yourself a favour and invest wisely. As much as I do sound cynical, pessimistic and apathetic, I am able to see the beauty of life. At times.

I see the 2 sides of the coin, but I am blatantly slanted to one side.

That's life for you :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 16


I haven't had one in a long time, or maybe I just don't remember. When one dreams, one isn't getting proper rest since the brain is still super active.

I still feel tired these days, even when these days are dreamless. Guess I still need longer sleep hours. Need to hug you to sleep too :3


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 15

Every bit of this world needs a good mix! If not, everything all be bland and boring.

It adds meaning, diversity and many more! So stay this way, lets paint the town red!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 14

I look, I reflect, I ponder and I reminisce,
the days and night I enjoyed the best.
Intangible, unbreakable, and irreplaceable;
they stay and they seem so unforgettable.

The price I'd pay just to re-live those days,
the magic it creates never cease to amaze.
once more, and again I beg you once more;
just once more, I beg thee, encore.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 13

I clean forgot about one of the most important things in my life, without it everything would seem dull and boring. Without it, my life is incomplete. You cannot see it. You can feel it. You can hear it. You can embrace it.

The moods it creates, the moods it destroys and the moods it enhances. Pure brilliance.
An average human can last 40 days without food, 4 days without water and less than 4 minutes without oxygen.

No music, no life.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 12

One can learn many things when doing menial tasks. For the simplest of actions can generate a vast amount of lessons to be learnt.


For it is what that made the most intricate designs, carvings and tapestry.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 11

The best medicine, free and in abundance. Contiguous, and most definitely infectious.

Share it with the rest, it brings smiles and joy to others.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 10

The people around you, not bounded by blood. The ones who stand by your side, in times of trouble.

The brothers and sisters.

My friends.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 9

I have decided that today's post should be less on words.

I have decided that today's post should be less on words.

The great outdoors, be it natural or man-kind.

Still awesome.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 8

The power to do things one rarely does, the strength to perform amazing feats.

The ability to endure relentlessly, the will to fight on for what we believe.

A driving force, unwavering and ever so strong.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 7

Hustle and bustle, the city life. Where one waits to rush and rushes to wait. Like robots, machines and clockwork, the people around me are bound to a schedule.

No room to stop and smell the roses, until one breaks down and gets force out of this rat race. From rags to riches, but money can't buy. The thing we once had as we watch time fly.

Freedom. To do the things that we want.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 6

Meh. Rain again. Would like some snow please and thank you! Maybe age is catching up with me, but that's really fast if it really is!

More frequent muscle aches, not to mention headaches too. Its still too early to say I am getting old, but fact is I am. There's no escaping it, but I won't embrace it either.

What exactly are you? A constant.

Time. Time. Time. Time. Time.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 5

Amongst human interaction we will get to see rational arising at times, once in awhile it would be drowned out by ignorance and assumption.

Lest one takes a minute or two to step back and calmly reflect, only then will one be able to grasp the crux. For when it disappears, conflicts surface.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 4

Weather these days just makes anyone crawl into bed and bundle yourself up. The nights are colder than usual, makes me wonder if we will get our white Christmas some day.

I stare out the window only to see the endless rows of buildings ascending to the skies above. Slowly, it will all disappear someday. How often does anyone looks up to stare at you?

My sea of blue, my boundless horizon.

The sky.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 3

Skies of blue, sands of white and trees of green. The salty sea breeze and the warm sun rays.

Even if it is man-made, I won't have it any other way!

The beach.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 2

I just realized what I have been doing for quite awhile, call me oblivious if you might. We all don't pay attention to our surroundings when we get used to it. We take them for granted.

We don't appreciate anything once it becomes a routine. Day in and day out, its been a month has it? Nothing nor anyone could ever replace nor replicate the one thing that matters most.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 1

I can't say its a good start to this, being cooped up indoors for hours limits interaction with the vast outside world. Routine, mundane...ever so dreary.

A fixed route, a fixed timing, a fixed pay. Fixation, asphyxiating. Nothing much to see, no cameras. If there's one thing soothing my senses, it'd be the rain.

Therapeutic, relaxation. Cool. The raindrops on the window of the bus sliding across the window as we move. It's nothing much, that I know. The reflection on the roads remind me much of Christmas, especially towards the evening.

Its beauty in its simplicity, I find.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Shit. Auto-rotation is off again. Okay hold on.

Yay! Got it on! Okay, now to start blogging proper! 2010 has been a great year, new people, new experiences and of clothes :3

I am frankly quite fearful of the unknown, which would be the working environment. Starting August, I should be starting work full time. I hope to continue my studies after I gain some experience, hopefully by 25. Get a degree then resume working.

At this age, you would think it'd be good if you knew what you really wanted. I still don't know though. That doesn't mean I will start off 2011 on a bad note, and on that bomb shell its time for me to go back to work!