Monday, February 15, 2010

Pim Pom!

Bank Account update: Positive value!

That's amazing! Considering the fact that my bank account is usually empty. Heh.
New year's been awesome, although I have yet to get any work done!!! I can't help it!
I get distracted just too easily, and I have been going out frequently. The good thing is that I finally have the time to kick back and relax, just sit or sleep around the house. Not quite literally though.

Started to learn the joys of shopping, gonna make sure that I would revamp mah wardrobe by the end of this year! It's time to outgrow teh T-shirt and jeans combo, but not forgo it entirely! I mean take for instance going to a concert, a T-shirt and a pair of jeans will suffice. Since it's hot as hell in there and you'd be jumping around and exiting all drenched in sweat which might not be your own.

100210 - A date to remember, lest I seek death.
211091 - A day to celebrate, your very first breath.
130210 - An evening to replay, study dinner and rest.
100211 - An event to plan, to be the best!

♥My New Clothes!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sick of being sick.

Updaaaaaaaated! Yep! I am sick. That's all!

Kidding! Late nights and early mornings can only equate to falling sick sooner or later. Not to mention junk food and spicy snacks here and there, its about time I fell sick. Lot's of major projects coming up for SBMY and Reaching Jhana, and the most important deadline is the earliest one due. 3 songs in about a month is kinda tough, but the rewards is sure as hell one sweeeeeet deal!

It's been awhile since I had any significant inspiration, and the best part is that I don't need to drink to that! With guitar strings all changed, the only thing left is my effects pedal. It's nothing worth losing sleep over, but it'd be nice if I could get....say a BOSS GT-8. Too bad it's out of production already, so that means I can only find 2nd hand ones. Not that I mind though.

MUSE WAS FREAKIN' AWESOME! $160 WELL SPENT! Although the other expenses following MUSE was not that well spent like...the $3 spent on a can of 100 plus. $3 spent on 1.5litres of 100 plus and $2 bucks or cup noodles. There's so much more but I don't remember since most of my memory capacity has been dedicated strictly to muse!

Welp, gonna go out and do some grocery shopping now. But before I go....

Maybe I am thinking too much like you, but I can't help it. It might only slow things down but it won't do anything worse. Being around you makes me nervous but the fact won't change : I like being around you. I like being with you. :)

Ps. I think you look great!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Forked roads.

It may be a new beginning, but I like it here. I wish to stay but I can't, they won't let me - after what I did.
What else can be done? Nothing. It's my choice, no regrets. Just need to look forward and stay positive!

Just so you know, you should know what I am talking about. If you don't then I didn't tell you and don't assume!