Saturday, August 21, 2010


Harrowz. Xinyi is here to hijack Vicky's blog.
Loveloveloveloveloveyou (:

Don't anymore, NERF more important right. BYE.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Craving for gobstoppers.

That's why. Thank you xinyi for giving this really cute colour pencil to me. As you can see from the picture, people at the bottom suffer and get the most ill-treatment but have no idea what to do. Hence, they can only cry out for help, and they when are minority.

While middle class feel they aren't getting their worth, they feel as though they are being used and are willing to make use of any means to get their goal. As you can see they are scowling and showing signs of aggression.

Then there's the slightly above average class, happy and contented with what they have. A bit of surplus to enjoy some luxury items.

Of course there are the upper class and elites, why else why they not be so happy if that are joint good money and enjoying life? They get richer and richer, until someone makes a super super dumb mistake. They sit so high up, that they couldn't care less about who is the one having to take their suit and nonsense!

Just being stupid btw.